Untold words....!

Friday 9 December 2011

When I would be free...

"A forest bird never wants a cage." Henrik Ibsen

Freedom is not something which is taken. It is always given.

Freedom is always considered to be a new life, a second life or a "New Beginning.."
A beginning free from pain, sorrow and despair.
A beginning to leave behind the depression, the sadness, the tears.
A beginning to start fresh, to start "Brand New" :)

Think about it.
That new world. Full of happiness, joy and contentment. The satisfaction of being there, living there...Always!

Imagine the unimaginable. How beautiful it would be. Luxurious and serene.
Freedom from an existing world into a new world, into a brand new --- HEAVEN..!


Tuesday 6 December 2011

In Heaven...

I want to live in the heavens above,
So tired of all these tantrums.
Where peace and happiness would prevail,
without any heavy ransom.
Where everything would be beautiful;
And lives would be regent.
we'll see so many new things,
that no one has ever imagined.
I believe that i would make it;
Because He is Rahman and Raheem,
I believe and im contented,
Because the key is to 'Believe'.
Oh what I would do when im there.
Probably prostrate for millions of years.
But how would i do that?
When My Lord will be so near!
I would be hypnotised and transfixed.
Such beauty! SubhanAllah SubhanAllah!
I would then make a request.
To arrange a meeting with Rasool Allah.
When i would see Him,
There would be tears of joy.
I would go to him and say Salam,
My beloved Rasool would smile.
I would probably be crying my heart out.
Or laugh merrily, i do not know.
But I know he would be so proud,
That he would let me do so.
I wish I wish Ya Allah!
That I would get your greatest gift.
Please forgive me Ya Rahman!
Because I really don't want to miss it :)   

Monday 5 December 2011

As Sensitive As A Rose...

Roses have always inspired me...

They are delicate, sensitive. Love to get themselves pampered, need someone to care for them. Would get upset and depressed when neglected. Someone would easily hurt their feelings as usually they take negligence to their heart. In short, they are.....Sensitive! Yes...

Just like us.. "Humans"..

We all have a rose inside us. A rose, that needs care. Loves getting pampered. Blooms when loved and dries when neglected.
A sensitivity just like a rose captivates our hearts. People admire the beautiful colors of roses. Similarly, we get admiration for our beautiful personalities.

Let, it be the flaming passion of a Red Rose or the purity and innocence of a White Rose. The grace and joy of a Light Pink Rose or the enchantment of a Lavender Rose. A friendly and welcoming Yellow Rose or an enthusiastic and desirable Orange Rose.

Still there are so many left! just like our uncountable layers of personalities.

But with all that, we Humans are given a choice. Choice, that is not given to the roses. Choice, that changes the whole game. Choice, that depicts what we are or what we want to be. Choice....

to be a thornless rose or the one full of it...
Choice, is Ours!

Sunday 4 December 2011

Lesson Learnt...

Lesson learnt today....

Optimism and pessimism is your own invention. It's how you think, how you judge others. Getting
upset from someone is in human nature. But finding reasons and excuses changes the whole game.

A very simple trick...

Try to keep yourself in that person's shoes. I just did that and it worked! Suddenly all those
negativity polluting me changed into a very positive inner environment.
Keeping negative thoughts, hatred results in depression. No body wants that!
And im happy not continuing that way any more..

Shukar Alhamdulillah! :)

Saturday 3 December 2011

From A Heart, For A Heart...

3:00 AM

Night is quiet, very quiet...

A quiet moment and a window opens. Window, of my mind, of my thoughts. So many thoughts, surrounding me.
I see a hazy picture. Focusing...
The picture is becoming clear. I tried to shake it away but can't! I tried again. Still, cannot!
Why is that, why can't I?
It's because it is a part of me. Was! a part of me.

My Past...

Our past when in sweet memories often bring a sweet smile. But, memories are not always like this. Not always a sunshine in a dark night, not always a warm breeze in this cold.

A moment of thought passes away and smile touches my lips. This is not the past, this is not the same. A step has been taken. It is a new beginning, a new start.

I am in present. Suddenly, the cold stopped stinging me, the night stopped scaring me. My Allah is with me, I am not alone :)

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